Microsoft Training

At dotNET Academy and dotNET Lab, we offer a wide range of technical training courses on Microsoft Technologies, with a particular focus on technical development and security topics, including Awareness training. Our courses are delivered by trainers who are actively engaged in the field, ensuring a highly practical approach where the latest developments and best practices are integrated directly into the training sessions.
In addition to our training programs, we also offer audits ranging from security audits to software architectural and technical development audits. These audits serve not only as control mechanisms but also as external advisory boards for expertise. Our experts are ready to support and advise your company on Microsoft Technologies and related issues.
For our audits and training programs, you can utilize the KMO-portefeuille, which allows you to reclaim a portion of the costs. This enables us to deliver high-quality services at an affordable rate, ensuring that your company can fully benefit from our expertise.
Our target audience includes companies seeking external expertise or specific technical Microsoft training to upskill their personnel. At dotNET Academy and dotNET Lab, we aim to help your business thrive and grow in the ever-evolving landscape of Microsoft Technologies.